I'll be running a play test of my nonviolent action rules, By Will Alone, on Sunday, April 1st. It will likely at my house.
On Sunday, April 15th, I will be running a play test of my Havoc game, In the shadow of Gdańsk, at the Hobby Bunker in Malden. Here is the game description:
Solidarność (Soldarity) rejoices its success at reversing Jaruzelski's attempt to impose martial law in Poland. While coup plotters flee to the Soviet Union, the Warsaw Pact invades. With NATO unable and unwilling to intervene, union workers and their allies ready
themselves to stop the onslaught with the only tools at their disposal: their wits and determination.
Please contact me if you would like to help play test the rules and/or game at jokeefe at(nospam) jamesokeefe dot org. Thanks!