The local game club ran a Cold War Commander game last month. It was Syria vs. Israel 1967 with modern equipment. Due to a twist in the scenario, the points favored the Syrians who advanced on the Israelis in good order. Syrian Taskforces 1&2 destroyed most of the Merkavas of Israeli Taskforce 2, while Taskforce 3 flanked the Israelis and routed their support elements without suffering a loss. You can see pictures of the game on Flickr and as a slideshow.
It was my first time playing Cold War Commander. CWC seemed to have far too many die rolls for too little effect. Afterward, one group tried out a small engagement using GHQ's microarmor rules, while the other, including me, tried a smaller CWC game that we played to completion. While I liked the order system of CWC, with a few mods, I still prefer Fistful of TOWS 2.